(PB) The Black Man's North and East Africa: By Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan

(PB) The Black Man's North and East Africa: By Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan

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Few of Dr. Ben's books are written with co-authors. The Black Man's North and East Africa is an exception. Written with one of his early colleagues, George E. Simmonds, this work attacks the racist manipulation of African and Black history by 'educators' and 'authorities on Africa'. Defenders of the Africans' right to tell their own story, the authors insist that Black people must take responsibility for their own history, Until African (Black) people are willing, and do write their own experience, past, and present, we will continue being slaves, mentally, physically, and spiritually, to Caucasian and Semitic racism and religious bigotry.